Maple Ridge Events
Decades Party
Experience the best decades! Do this in a convention center with 5,000 other people. The decades of choice are the 50’s, 60’s, 70’s and 80’s. The challenge is to take a 20,000 square foot area and fill it with “Golden Age” memories and fun!
A “time tunnel” arch of LED tube lights and low hovering fog represents the transfer from today to yesteryear.
Transformation start with a panoramic stage which extended over 500’ wide and became a powerful scene entity offering continual lighting and graphic effects. Throughout the room were scenic towers of circular truss and graphics, identifying the various decade realms. These were filled with furniture, games and activities, memorable scenic… such as an vintage Airstream photo booth, giant backdrops for to stop and take a few selfies. Add to the hundreds of games and activities strategically placed throughout the room to maximize fun!
Each bar is wrapped in signature period graphics.